Focussing on young audience animation films, FOLIMAGE, an animation studio based in Valence (South of France), is issuing every year a new call for projects :
The Artist-in-Residence program has been created to give directors from all around the world an opportunity to make a personal six-minute animation film, that combines comedy and humour aimed at 5 to 7 year-olds, all animation techniques accepted excluding 3D.
*** DEADLINE : May 31st, every year ***
The application files must be received by Folimage before May 31st of the current year. The projects will be sent to the committee made up of the partners' representatives. The final decision will be made in the next Fall.
Starting from the beginning of next year, the winner will move to FOLIMAGE studio (Valence) for 10 months to a year, and make his/her film with the studio provided facilities. After its TV broadcast on CANAL+ KIDS, the film will also be included into a national program distributed in theaters by GEBEKA FILMS and a regional program distributed by MÈCHE COURTE, offered to the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS agencies worldwide and will be published as a book for children by NATHAN.
Applicants must submit a project with a real author's point of view, develop original graphics and have already directed one or two short films (including films made in Art Schools).
This call for projects is shared broadly on our partner's websites, animation studios, international animation schools as well as on websites dedicated to illustration and/or animation cinema.
Applications must include the following documents :
La Résidence jeune public
Palais consulaire - 3 place Simone Veil
26000 Valence (France)
Since 2014, eleven short films were produced as part of our 'young audience' Artist - in - Residence program.
While BOnce Upon a Time in Dragonville will begin its life in festivals in 2025, let's note the success of these short films : 97 awards and more than 960 official selections in festivals!
Thanks to the Artist-in-Residence program, more than 30 young filmmakers, from around the world, have spent several months in the studio making their first professional short film as:
Mickael Dudok de Wit (The Netherlands), Zoïa Tromifova, Konstantin Bronzit and Iouri Tcherenkov (Russia), Hefang Wei (China), Sarolta Szabo and Tibor Banockzi (Hungary), Nicolas Brault (Canada), Regina Pessoa (Portugal), Sarah Saidan (Iran), Yulia Aronova (Russia), Aline Quertain (Belgium), Sylwia Szkiladz (Poland), Ana Chubinidze (Georgia), Krishna Chandran A. Nair (India), Raúl 'Robin' Morales Reyes (Mexico), Nina Bisiarina (Russia), Yawen Zheng (China), Emily Worms (Belgium), Maša Avramović (Serbia) ...